Jydge switch review
Jydge switch review

jydge switch review

Exploring the game for secrets and challenges and maxing out the upgrades is something you'll possibly go for but its really hard to 100% this one. A simple twin-stick shooter in practice, with some tiny levels to wipe out baddies or save hostages in, this isnt exactly a long epic quest, but its great for a quick break or two. It's about 8 hours and the replay value is okay but limited. Yea, I can Recommend this to Syndicate fans and top down shooter folk.

jydge switch review

The game isn't anything special to hype hard but its well made. As you battle the hardened criminals toting plasma weaponry and the walls and whatnot blasting apart as you bring them to justice, it feels like something out of Demolition Man. The style reeks of Judge Dredd drawn inspiration meets syndicate or Future Cop LAPD. The blue glow of the barrel is just enough to draw attention, which is perfect for the Shopping Emporium, where we like. It offers quite a bit of freedom considering the genre. The polymer has a satiny black finish, but the steel is a glossy blued black.

jydge switch review

JYDGE is a top down shooter more or less, that lets you play it a bit to your own personal preference. They enable you to play it in different ways. These unlockable and playful upgrades are what make this game. At first I was a bit dismayed and thought it was a bit flat, but as I began to play the game more and unlock upgrades, the game opened up and I found myself experimenting and exploring the various forms of equipment and character bonuses to tackle the bonus mission objectives. This was a rather unexpectedly good game.

Jydge switch review